30 March 2011

Latest and Greatest

The following drawings are my personal favourites of the new images, not because they look nice, or because they are technically impressive, or even because they are funny but because each one of these drawings smell like super noodles.

Any guy with a girl in posession of a magnificent pork pie can understand where I'm coming from. 

 If you like my summer pie you should have a go of my meatloaf.


 Personal favourite, nobody else gets it, they just humour me and say "Oh right" 

 Ignore the elephant

 Favourite text one

 And this one is my favourite non-text drawing of recent, reason being is he is creepy looking and occasionally likable, much like his creator.

One of the few based on an actual person, this guy told me and my croanies off for playing frisbee on a patch of grass and also not to smoke at a picnic (which is good advice if you think about it) but the guy is still a total jobsworth. 
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Danny M Thompson/dmt

Scrawlings Of A Mad Man

 These are just bits and bobs, not my favourites or anything, I shouldn't really share stuff that I'm not particularly proud of but I want you to understand that I am not particularly stable mentally.

 Some sort of Roman Emperor?

 Lovely Fags

 This piece of paper should not have been made, nor should I have taken a photo of it, I should definitely not have placed it onto this web page and without a shadow of a doubt I should not have wasted time writing this sentence to accompany it either.
 Anarchy comes in all different forms

 My poor attempt at the legend that is RastaMouse

 If you're feeling sassy then inform those around you about your sassyness.

 I always meant to go back and write something deep and ridiculing on this one, but I still haven't thought of anything...

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Danny M Thompson/dmt

Emma Pollard's Drawings

During my final days of working at Yell.com I had the chance to enjoy the company of Emma who drew these two drawings and gave them to me, I didn't tell her I would put them on here, hope she's cool with it =]

Emma's fat tiger.

We started talking about Salad Fingers and David Firth so Emma drew me Salad Fingers, I replied with a drawing of Hubert Cumberdale (without referance might I add)
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Danny M Thompson/dmt

Dan Ledwood inspired

This is my first post for a long time (My laptop was stolen so could not scan my crappy drawings). The next few posts (Including this one) have been taken with my girlfriends brand new camera as I have moved house and can't find the leads to my scanner.

I hope you enjoy the latest installation of imagination and retardation =]

The following drawings were inspired by a baby faced gentleman of whom I find myself lucky for gracing his path during my time at Yell.com

 Dan got annoyed at this "It's pig skin" *Frown*, I know Dan, I was taking the piss ;D

If I bothered to draw this properly this would definately be hilarious.
I would like to point out that Dan is not massive as my pictures depict, he is a fine figure of a man and would win Mr World without even entering if he wanted.
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Danny M Thompson/dmt

08 February 2011

New Bits and Bobs

My Wonderfull Girlfriend purchased me an A3 Sketching pad with some basic pencils from WHSmith during a shopping trip to the trafford centre, which was completely selfless. When I realised that in order to maintain the pencils at a reasonable rate of sharpness I declared that I had to purchase a sharpener, I wanted a profesional metal sharpner that I knew would work, but because my girlfriend had bought me all of this drawing stuff already she informed me that we HAD to purchase a plastic pencil sharpener of which resembled a globe. (Britain is a tiny blob which resembles a crumb after eating jelly.)

Every now and again I will draw a character that resembles nobody, and then I add these squarish glasses that a work colleague has, I tell them it is a picture of him every time much to his frustration. Though he believes that from start to finish I had him in my minds eye whilst concocting my character.

If these had been created before World War II, Hitler may have been more successful. Thankfully back then walruses were not as aerodynamic as they are here.

This one is actually upside down but if I didn't point that out you wouldn't have been able to tell.

It's a tounge, not a penis.
One of my personal favourites.

More of a future portrait of the man I wish to become.

My Girlfriend asked me to create a portrait of her, this is the result, she wasn't too happy.

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Danny M Thompson/dmt

07 February 2011

Green Book

I have had this book for many years, since I was 16, so most of which are drawings I did at nurserys, the other kids were much shorter than me.

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Danny M Thompson/dmt

Maths Book

Yes it is an old skool maths book I found lying within grasping distance

Sometimes as you can see I deal with serious subject matter, like devastating hurracains
He's had a tough life but what you don't see is how much he gives to 'Help The Aged'

You can't teach an old dog how to not be racist anymore.

If women looked anything like this humans would not pro-create.

Be aware
This is how we operate at Yell.
Amazing how current customers still have no idea, what they are paying for.

Haggis is illegal in the USA because sheeps intenstines are outlawed as a food.
I have no idea why he is so oniony.

The T-Shirt says "Lick" (chopped off during the scan) I bet you can't guess what would make such a gentleman wear a top with such profanity.

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Danny M Thompson/dmt

06 February 2011


I recieved this pad on my first day when training at Yell.com, it was intended for notes.

The "You R A Bellend" comment was made by a fellow co-worker, I am not that insane.

This one I drew on my first day. I sat next to a girl who had a printed picture of big bird on her desk, what I didn't know was that one of her co-workers gave her that printout and the nickname "Big Bird" because he thought that she ate too much.

The drawing went down like a pint of milk, gracefully and smooth.

This was seasonal at the time, although I have placed the drawings in the same order that they are in the pad, it doesn't necessarily mean that I drew them in that order.

This is an exact copy of my pass card.

Not a portrait of anybody in particular.... Pears.

At one point of the day and I whispered under my breath "I need to draw Mr Sausage" Fortunately I got what I wanted otherwise the repurcusions could have been fatal. (true)

As you can see I tried my hand at some actual artwork and failed.

The only double page one, a favourite amongst some of my fellow phone pigs.

"Promise me that you will never get AIDs and I'll give you my love"

"lol promise"

If you are pretending to be Hindu, beef can be a delicacy

I have never been more serious in my life.

My Mouster-Piece

Believe it or not I was looking at images of Charlotte Church when I drew this...

Some dickhead scribbled out the last p in poop, don't censor me bro.

My Friend Paul genuinely liked this, when your complaints are thought to be funny it might be time to start a career in comedy; win win.


Unlike most I like to show off my tounge to people who don't want to see it, although I am told that what I do is disgraceful I still find their reactions somewhat compelling.

Never eat a cats last bit of spaghetti

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Danny M Thompson/dmt