I recieved this pad on my first day when training at Yell.com, it was intended for notes.
The "You R A Bellend" comment was made by a fellow co-worker, I am not that insane.
This one I drew on my first day. I sat next to a girl who had a printed picture of big bird on her desk, what I didn't know was that one of her co-workers gave her that printout and the nickname "Big Bird" because he thought that she ate too much.
The drawing went down like a pint of milk, gracefully and smooth.
This was seasonal at the time, although I have placed the drawings in the same order that they are in the pad, it doesn't necessarily mean that I drew them in that order.
This is an exact copy of my pass card.
Not a portrait of anybody in particular.... Pears.
At one point of the day and I whispered under my breath "I need to draw Mr Sausage" Fortunately I got what I wanted otherwise the repurcusions could have been fatal. (true)
As you can see I tried my hand at some actual artwork and failed.
The only double page one, a favourite amongst some of my fellow phone pigs.
"Promise me that you will never get AIDs and I'll give you my love"
"lol promise"
If you are pretending to be Hindu, beef can be a delicacy
I have never been more serious in my life.
My Mouster-Piece
Believe it or not I was looking at images of Charlotte Church when I drew this...
Some dickhead scribbled out the last p in poop, don't censor me bro.
My Friend Paul genuinely liked this, when your complaints are thought to be funny it might be time to start a career in comedy; win win.
Unlike most I like to show off my tounge to people who don't want to see it, although I am told that what I do is disgraceful I still find their reactions somewhat compelling.
Never eat a cats last bit of spaghetti
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Danny M Thompson/dmt